Mark 13:9-11

Take heed. Not to escape persecution, but to be ready for it. In Matthew's report persecution is foretold, but the injunctions of Mr 13:9-11 are omitted, or rather given in Mt 10:18-20, on which see notes.

They shall deliver you up to councils. Jewish courts. Besides the great national council, the Sanhedrin, each principal town had a smaller council, or local Sanhedrin.

In the synagogues ye shall be beaten. In every Jewish synagogue there were three magistrates authorized to inflict certain punishments, scourging being one. The number of stripes could not exceed forty (De 25:3); hence they always stopped at thirty-nine.

Rulers and kings. Roman officials, such as Felix (Ac 24:24), Festus (Ac 25:4-6), Gallio (Ac 18:2), King Agrippa (Ac 26:1), and Nero (Ac 25:12).
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