Matthew 16:5-12

His disciples were come to the other side. They crossed over the sea to the eastern shore.

Had forgotten to take bread. They had started on a journey to Caesarea Philippi, partly through a wilderness country, and would need a supply. Mark says that they had one loaf. Compare Mr 8:14-21.
Beware of the leaven, etc. The teaching and influence which spreads like leaven. See Mt 16:12. The figure of the leaven was suggested by their need of bread.

Sadducees. Mark instead of "of the Sadducees", says, "of Herod" (Mr 8:15). Herod and his followers were Sadducees.
[It is] because we have taken no bread. The thoughts of the disciples were so fixed upon their failure to supply bread that they thought the remark about leaven contained a rebuke. The Lord reminds them of his creative power, and how it has been put forth.
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