Matthew 24:36

Of that day and hour knoweth no [man]. How foolish then to be figuring out the time of the Lord's coming.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-2

Closing Admonitions SUMMARY OF I THESSALONIANS 5: The Time of the Lord's Coming Unknown. Will Be Sudden. Hence, Let Us Not Be Asleep. Let Us Have Our Armor on. Mutual Duties of Shepherds and Flock. Christian Life. Benediction.

But of the times and the seasons. Especially the time of the Lord's coming, which is the subject in the conclusion of chapter 4.

Ye have no need that I write unto you. They had been instructed on this subject.
For yourselves know perfectly. They had been fully taught that the time of the Lord's coming was unrevealed, and that it would be unexpected. Compare Mt 24:43 2Th 2:2 2Pe 3:10 Joe 1:15.

The day of the Lord. Not alone, the day of each individual's death, nor the destruction of Jerusalem, not of the final coming of the Lord at the end of the world, but rather it may be applied to all of these.

As a thief in the night. Without warning. Compare Lu 12:39 Re 3:3.
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