Matthew 25:19-23

After a long time the lord of those servants cometh. There is certainly a hint here that a long period would pass before the Lord's return.

And reckoneth with them. When our race meets the Lord, every mortal, saint, and sinner, good and bad, will be called on for a reckoning. Every one's opportunities, as well as the character of his life and works, will be considered.
He that had received five talents, etc. He had doubled what he had received, and in acknowledgment that all was due to his lord who had given all and whose he was, he brought all to lay at his feet. I will make thee ruler over many things. (1) Observe here that it is God's talents that have made the ten talents. The fruitfulness of our work depends on what God has given us. (2) In God's government, promotion depends on fidelity. This is in a measure true, here and how; fulfillment of duty in a lower and lesser station is rewarded by the providence which bids us to go up higher. (3) Present duties are trials of character; God gives the talents that he may test and see who is worthy of a trust. (4) The trusts given here below, by our use of which are to show ourselves capable of receiving the crown above, Jesus calls "a few things". This is in contrast with the trusts we will enjoy in the heavenly kingdom. He also that had received two talents, etc. His fidelity and reward are indicated, acknowledged and rewarded in exactly the same terms as in the case of the first servant. The final reward depends on "faithfulness", not greatness.
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