Matthew 25:24-27

I knew thee that thou art an hard man. The charge against the lord is insulting. The term "hard", and the charge in the next clause, "of reaping where thou hast not sown", affirm that the lord was harsh, unfeeling, grasping, and unscrupulous about his methods of acquisition. It states the position of many of our fellow men. Many refuse to employ their talents in Christ's service because they think it a hard, exacting service, making unreasonable demands of self-denial, self-control and self-sacrifice. [Thou] wicked and slothful servant. The wickedness of the servant is demonstrated, not only his unfaithfulness, but by his false and slanderous excuses. To the exchangers. To the bankers. If the lord was so exacting as he supposed, he ought at least to have put his money to use with the money brokers that it might have earned something.

Usury. Interest. The Jews were forbidden to take it from their brethren, but were allowed to take it from aliens. See De 23:19,20.
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