Philippians 3:7-14

But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. These things which were counted as a gain he now counts as nothing; nay, as loss, instead of gain for Christ. Instead of saving him, a trust in them would have been eternal ruin. I count all things [but] loss for the excellency of the knowledge. In comparison with the inestimable value of the knowledge of Christ, all worldly things are to be regarded as a loss.

For whom I have suffered the loss of all things. In accepting Christ he gave up all the world holds dear. But he did not long for them; nay, he counted them as a he would count them [but] dung, count filth, to be avoided, if only he may win Christ. The one word "Christ" in itself embraces every real blessing.
And be found in him. In him "there is no condemnation" (Ro 8:1).

Not having mine own righteousness which is of the law. Those in Christ trust not in a legal righteousness, obtained by keeping the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ. But in righteousness which the gospel provides to those who accept Christ through faith. That righteousness is the forgiveness of sins, which is from God by faith. Note that, although the definite article is omitted in our Versions before "faith", the Greek supplies it. "The faith" is equivalent to "the gospel". It is faith in Christ acted upon, causing an acceptance and steadfast obedience to Christ, which secures the righteousness (forgiveness) of which Paul speaks.
That I may know him. By enjoying his presence in the soul; an experimental knowledge.

And the power of his resurrection. The resurrection demonstrated him to be the Son of God with power (Ro 1:4). The mighty power that worked in his resurrection works in the saints (1) in their resurrection from spiritual death to a new life (Col 2:13 Eph 1:19-23). It is therefore a present power. (2) It works also when they are lifted from the dead to eternal life. Consciousness of the victory over sin is the earnest of the ultimate triumph over death.

And the fellowship of his sufferings. Christ's life is the plan of that of the saint. Like him, we take the cross, are crucified with him (Ro 6:6), are baptized into his death (Ro 6:3), are planted in the likeness of his death, and are risen with him (Col 3:1). In all these we look to the suffering Savior, and are conformable to his death. Not only do we take the "form" of his sufferings, but we sympathize with him. If the obedience is from the heart, there is a partaking of his sufferings.
If by any means I may attain unto the resurrection of the dead. The great consummation of a glorious resurrection to a heavenly life is worth attaining by every sacrifice, and by every possible means. Not as though I had already attained. Had already obtained the great prize. It still requires effort. The prize is at the end of the race.

Either were already perfect. He never claimed to have received such a state; nor does he intimate any where that such a state is ever reached on earth.

But I follow after. Press on, as one who must push forward.

If that I may apprehend. The idea is, I press on in the hope that I shall lay hold upon the prize.

That for which also I am apprehended by Christ Jesus. He will seek to lay hold of that for which Christ laid hold of him at conversion, viz., his eternal salvation.
I count not myself to have apprehended. The prize is yet before. Constant effort is still required.

This one thing [I do]. His whole life is given to one purpose.

Forgetting those things which are behind. Especially the things which he once counted gain (Php 3:7), and even all the hardships and sufferings of the apostolic lot.

And reaching forth unto those things which are before. The image is of one so eager for what is before him that hands and body are stretched to lay hold of it.
I press on toward the mark. His eye is upon the goal and he presses through every difficulty to reach it.

For the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. This is the prize offered to those in the high calling of the saints in Christ. A crown was bestowed in an earthly race when the goal was reached. This prize is "the resurrection from the dead" (Php 3:11) and an eternal crown.
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