Revelation of John 11:8

And their dead bodies [shall lie] in the street. They shall not be buried, but remain in plain sight. I believe that this is what is signified. Though the witnesses were slain, their enemies could not get them out of sight. They could not bury them.

Of the great city. This term is used eight times in Revelation (Re 11:8 16:19 17:18 18:10,16,18,19 21:10). It is never used of Jerusalem. It is in contrast with the Holy City (Re 11:2). As the Holy City is a symbol of the church, a wicked City would symbolize a false religion, or apostate church.

Which spiritually is called Sodom, and Egypt. Symbolically so called. Sodom, with its sins, was a type of this city; Egypt, the house of bondage, is also a type. It is a sinful organization which has enslaved the true Israel.

Where also our Lord was crucified. Many commentators have insisted that this refers to literal Jerusalem, but we must remember that the place is one in which our Lord was "spiritually" crucified. This is done by apostasy. See Heb. 6:6. That the reference is to spiritual declension is plain.
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