Revelation of John 19:16

He hath on [his] vesture and on his thigh. This probably signifies that the name was written on his vesture, even on his thigh. The Greek may be so translated.

King of Kings. Of the various titles given to Christ in this passage this is the highest and marks him as supreme. There are four titles given in the passage: (1) Faithful and True (Re 19:11). (2) A name "that no man knew, but he himself" (Re 19:12). (3) The Word of God (Re 19:13). (4) King of kings, and Lord of lords (Re 19:16). The sublime imagery of this passage portrays the spiritual march and conquest of Christ. A purified church, following Christ, holy and true, shall carry the word in triumphant power to the nations. The armies of the saints, all united under Christ, led by him, strengthened by him, hence invincible, are marching to the great final conflict with the hosts of evil.
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