Revelation of John 2:10

Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer. The church shall suffer, but it need not fear for the reasons about to be given.

The devil shall cast [some] of you into prison. He may use the Jews as instruments, but he is the real agent.

And ye shall have tribulation ten days. Whether the "ten days" of persecution means a short time, or a definite period symbolized by "ten days" is uncertain. A day is often a symbol of a year. Ten persecutions are named by church historians and two persecutions of ten years each. It might refer to one of the latter which should bear very heavily on that church. The Diocletian persecution continued ten years and three months.

Be thou faithful to death. Unto martyrdom.

I will give thee a crown of life. Not a royal crown, but the garland crown of victory over death. See 2Ti 4:8.
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