Revelation of John 4:1

The Open Door in Heaven SUMMARY OF REVELATION 4: The Voice from Heaven. The Throne and He Who Sat on the Throne. The Twenty-four Elders. The Four Living Forms. Their Cry Night and Day. The Doxology of the Twenty-four Elders.

After this. "After these things" (Revised Version). After the letters to the churches had been dictated. The "things which must be after this" are yet to be shown.

And, behold, I looked. Rather, "I saw in vision".

And a door [was] opened in heaven. Heaven standing open so that the throne within could be seen.

The first voice which I heard. The same voice that he had heard at first. See Re 1:10.

Which said, Come up hither. Through the opened door.

I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. Hence, we know that what John sees in the vision just opening belongs to events still future when he wrote.

Revelation of John 11:19

I believe this verse ought to belong to chapter 12, and will there consider it. If it is connected in meaning with Re 11:18, it signifies that heaven is opened at the close of the seventh trumpet, and that from thence come judgments as well as blessings.
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