Revelation of John 8:5

And the angel . . . filled it with the fire of the altar. Fire is usually a symbol of suffering.

And cast [it] into the earth. This fire cast from the altar upon the earth indicates that the judgments of God are about to fall upon it. "The earth" in the sense used by John is the great Roman Empire, which embraced the civilized world.

And there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. These mutterings and the quakings are ominous of the terrible scenes to follow when the angels sound their trumpets.

Revelation of John 11:19

I believe this verse ought to belong to chapter 12, and will there consider it. If it is connected in meaning with Re 11:18, it signifies that heaven is opened at the close of the seventh trumpet, and that from thence come judgments as well as blessings.
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