Romans 5:11

We also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The ground of rejoicing is the reconciliation with God which has been effected through Jesus Christ.

By whom we have now received the atonement. "Atonement", in the Common Version, is rendered, as it should be, in the Revised Version, "reconciliation". The same Greek word, "katallage", is found also in Ro 5:10. The thought is the same as that when "peace with God" is spoken of in Ro 5:1. The steps of the divine plan, as shown in these verses, are (1) The death of Christ for us. (2) The satisfaction thus made to the demands of justice. (3) The propitiation, or God's acceptance of Christ's sacrifice for us. (4) Reconciliation. Our acceptance of Christ. "We love God because he first loved us" (1Jo 4:19). (5) Forgiveness of sin, or justification. Our sins are blotted out. (6) Our redemption from the grave. (7) Our glorification in heaven.
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