Romans 5:3-5

We glory in tribulations also. The peace of Christ is so sweet, and the hope of the saint so glorious, that the Christian can even exult in present sufferings, since he has assurance that even these minister to his eternal joy.

Knowing that tribulation worketh patience. Various steps of progress are named here in order. Affliction works out "patience", and patience secures "approval". Such is probably the meaning of the word rendered in the Common Version "experience" (Ro 5:4). So Macknight and Schaff render it. Patient endurance of affliction secures the divine approval.
Experience, hope. The sense of the divine approval fills the soul with hope. And hope maketh not ashamed. A hope disappointed would fill with shame, but that we will not be put to shame is shown by the fact that the love of God is shed abroad, diffused in our hearts, by means of his Spirit given us. This may mean that our hearts are filled with the love of God; or it may mean that our hearts are conscious of the love of God. What follows seems to point to the second meaning.
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