Romans 8:28

All things work together for good. The third ground of encouragement to saints in suffering is now given. To them, under God's providence, all things, even their sorrows, trials and persecutions, work together for blessing. This precious assurance is not to all mankind, saint and sinner, but is limited to a class.

To them that love God. These are those who enjoy the blessed assurance just given. Notice the order in the Revised Version, which is the order of the Greek, "to them that love God all things work together for good". The love of God is the very foundation of the Christian life. See Lu 10:28 and Joh 14:23. The expression, "them that love God", is synonymous with "Followers of Christ". See 1Co 2:9 Eph 6:24 2Ti 4:8 Jas 2:5. The two expressions "them that love God" and "the called" are are different ways of describing the same class.

To them who are the called. These have been called by the gospel and have accepted the call. Many others are called Jews and Gentiles, but only those who hear and obey are chosen (Mt 20:16 20:14). Paul uses the term of the latter class; those who hear and obey. The evidence that we are "the called" is that we love God.

According to [his] purpose. This call was purposed from the time that God promised a Deliverer of the fallen race (Ge 3:15).
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