1 Corinthians 1:10

Now I beseech you, brethren. How earnest and imploring is the Apostle's exhortation that they should maintain unity!

That ye all speak the same thing. Have no distinctive party declarations. This is violated in the modern sectarian symbols and confessions. [That] there be no divisions among you. "No schisms", in the Greek. If there were none, and all "were perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment", all would "speak the same thing". There would be no variance in their declarations. It is evident, from what follows, that, while the Corinthians had not separated into various church organizations, they had formed several parties within the church (1Co 1:12). Organized sects, claiming to be "branches of the church", were unknown till centuries later.

1 Corinthians 3:3

Ye are yet carnal. Hence, still not spiritual enough to receive the higher teaching, the "hidden wisdom" (1Co 2:7), the meat.

For whereas [there is] among you . . . divisions. The proof that they were yet carnal was the existence of divisions in the church.

Are ye not carnal, and walk as men? Exhibit the jealous and discordant spirit characteristic of men of the world.

1 Corinthians 11:18

When ye come together in the church. In a meeting of the church.

I hear that there be divisions among you. He had spoken in chapters 1-3 of the divisions in the congregation. He now tells them that he had heard that these divisions were manifest at their church meetings.
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