1 Corinthians 5:11-13

Now I have written unto you not to keep company. He now writes and explains his meaning. Church members must not have social intercourse with one who has been a member who is guilty of the grievous sins named.

Covetous. A greedy person, under the influence of passions, not only greedy for gain, but for self-indulgence. The Greek word "pleonektes" implies this.

With such person no not to eat. Either at the Lord's table, or in friendly meals, which would imply a brotherly recognition.
For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? It was not Paul's business, nor ours, to judge those without; hence the rule just given is not one to regulate our intercourse with them.

Do not ye judge them that are within? The authority of the church is over those who have been united with it. It can judge them.
Them that are outside God judgeth. The unconverted are left in the hands of God. He will judge them according to their deeds. We are not asked to seek to inflict punishment on them by shunning them, but rather to go to them in the love of Christ to try to lead them to repentance.

Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person. A summary order to execute discipline upon the incestuous offender, an order that we know from the second letter was obeyed.
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