1 Timothy 4:14

Neglect not the gift that is in thee. The allusion is to special spiritual gifts given to him to fit him for the duties of an evangelist. These were given, and were essential, in that first age.

Which was given thee by prophecy. As the Spirit at Antioch said to the prophets, "Separate for me Paul and Barnabas" (Ac 13:2), I suppose a revelation was given that Timothy was to be set apart, and that he would be spiritually endowed for his work.

With the laying on of the hands by the presbytery. He was ordained in the usual way, and at the ordination the Spirit conferred upon him new gifts. It must be borne in mind that the ancient evangelists had no New Testament to guide them, and hence needed special qualifications.

2 Timothy 1:6

Wherefore I put thee in remembrance. From the earnestness with which he stirs up Timothy in both Epistles, it seems likely that he did not possess the rugged, restless energy of Paul.

That thou stir up the gift of God. The supernatural gift which he received by the imposition of the apostolic hands. The gift of office was conferred by ordination at the hands of the presbytery; the gift of miraculous powers, by the imposition of the hands of an apostle.
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