2 Corinthians 10:12-16

We dare not make ourselves of the number. This no doubt ironically alludes to teachers who had come to Corinth making lofty claims, to whom repeated allusions are made.

They measuring themselves by themselves, etc. These set themselves up as the standard by which all Christian teachers were to be tried.
We will not boast of things without [our] measure. Will not, like those just alluded to, suffer our boasting to carry us beyond all bounds.

But according to the measure, etc. We confine ourselves simply to the line of action assigned to us by the Lord.

To reach even unto you. The line assigned by the Lord sent Paul to the Gentiles (Ga 2:7-9).
For we stretch not ourselves beyond [our measure]. This verse renders clearer the thought in those preceding. The Judaizers said that Paul had exceeded his commission in coming to Corinth, that he had no authority there. He asserts that not he, but they had gone beyond the measure. Others were apostles to the circumcision; he and Barnabas to the uncircumcision. When he came to Europe he was sent by the Spirit (Ac 16:9). Not boasting . . . of other men's labours. It was Paul's uniform course to preach where no one before him had preached the gospel.

Having hope, etc. The passage expresses the hope that his success at Corinth and the support of the church will enable him to carry the gospel beyond. That city, at this time, was the western limit of his work. The thought is made clear by the next verse.
To preach the gospel in the [regions] beyond you. Where no man has yet preached.
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