2 Thessalonians 1:7-10

And not only that, but it is a righteous thing that he give to you who are troubled rest with us. That rest would come when there would be no persecutors, no stripes, no stonings, no prisons. It shall be when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven. At the Lord's coming. Compare Mt 24:30. In flaming fire. The flaming fire denotes brightness, glory, purity, and also destruction to adversaries. Dazzling brightness is always associated with his coming. God was revealed at Sinai in flaming fire (Ex 3:2; 19:18).

Them that know not God. Know him not because they refuse to know him. See Ro 1:28.

And obey not the gospel. This class refuse to accept and obey the gospel. Their day of grace will end with the day of the Lord.
Who shall be punished. Those who obey not the gospel shall be punished. The punishment is everlasting destruction. This does not mean annihilation, but an eternal banishment from the presence of the Lord. In Matthew, the doom of the wicked is "Depart from me" (Mt 25:41). The saints are "ever with the Lord" (1Th 4:17); the wicked are driven forever from his presence. When he shall come. These final judgments shall be when he comes to be glorified in his saints. The saints risen, glorious, rejoicing in salvation, shall be a glory of the Lord.

And to be admired by all them that believe. All believers will look upon him with wonder and admiration.
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