Acts 19:22

Sent into Macedonia. A band of missionaries always attended him and were sent where there seemed to be need. See 1Co 4:17 16:10.

Erastus. Not before named, but mentioned also in Ro 16:23 as "the chamberlain of the city" of Corinth.

2 Timothy 4:20

Erastus abode at Corinth. Probably his old home (Ro 16:23).

Trophimus. He was an Ephesian (Ac 20:4 21:29).

Have I left at Miletum sick. These personal details were better understood by Timothy than by us, but I suppose this statement is made to explain why Trophimus was not in Rome. This verse proves that this letter does not belong to the date of Paul's first imprisonment, since years have passed between Paul's last visit to Miletus and the first Roman imprisonment.
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