Acts 20:28

Take heed. Here begin the special admonitions to the elders.

Unto yourselves. Their own lives must be the first subject of watchfulness. No man can be so exalted that he does not need to watch and pray.

To all the flock. The church, the fold of the Good Shepherd, of whom they were under-shepherds, or pastors.

To feed the church. "On the sincere milk of the word, that it may grow thereby" (1Pe 2:2).

1 Corinthians 1:2

Unto the church of God. This designation of the church appears oftener than any other in the New Testament.

To them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus. All of "the church of God at Corinth" were "sanctified in Christ Jesus"; that is, they were set apart from the world and consecrated to God. All Christians are "sanctified" in the sense of the term in the New Testament, and "called to be saints". The humblest Christian is a saint, as well as Peter or Paul.

With all that in every place. The letter is intended for all Christians, as well as for those at Corinth.

Call upon the name of Jesus Christ. Recognize him as their divine Savior.

Both theirs and ours. The Lord of the saints everywhere as well as ours (1Co 8:6 Eph 4:5). Since there is only one Lord and Master, all Christians should be brethren.

1 Corinthians 10:32

Give none offence. The rule just given implies this. Do nothing that would produce a scandal, or arouse prejudice, whether they be Jews, or Gentiles, or brethren.

1 Corinthians 11:16

But if any man seemeth to be contentious. If, in spite of nature's lessons, a man contentiously opposes, let him know that

We have no such custom, neither the churches of God. No such customs exists in the churches. Many suppose that "custom" refers to being contentious. I think, rather, that it refers to covering the head, etc. The lesson of this whole passage is that we must not defy existing social usages in such a way as to bring reproach on the church.

1 Corinthians 11:22

What? have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? The practice is rebuked. The place to eat their feasts was at home.

Or despise ye the church of God? By a selfish feast, where some ate luxuriously, and put to shame others, perhaps the poor, who had nothing.

1 Corinthians 15:9

For I am the least of the apostles. As far as human worth is concerned, not fit to be called an apostle.

Because I persecuted the church of God. He could never forget that he had been a persecutor. See Ac 9:1,2 22:4 26:11 Ga 1:13 Php 3:6 1Ti 1:13.

2 Corinthians 1:1

Paul's Anxiety Over the Corinthian Church SUMMARY OF II CORINTHIANS 1: Salutations. Paul's Recent Danger in Asia. His Conscientious Sincerity in Preaching the Gospel at Corinth. An Answer to Those Who Criticized His Change of Plans in Coming. to Corinth.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ.

See PNT 1Co 1:1.

And Timothy [our] brother. Timothy had been sent to Corinth along with the First Letter (1Co 4:17) and had now returned to Paul. As he had so recently been on a special mission to Corinth, he joins in the salutation.

With all the saints who are in all Achaia. That is, in the whole of Greece, Achaia being the Roman name of the province. Corinth was the Roman capital. Hence it seems that other churches already existed in the province. We know of two, Cenchrea (Ro 16:1) and possibly Athens (Ac 17:34).
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