Colossians 3:18-25

The section Col 3:18-4:1 is very similar to Eph 5:22-6:9. I will refer the reader to Ephesians for fuller notes.

Wives, submit yourselves.

See PNT Eph 5:22.
Husbands, love [your] wives.

See PNT Eph 5:25.
Children, obey [your] parents.

See PNT Eph 6:1.
Fathers, provoke not your children.

See PNT Eph 6:4.
Servants, obey. See notes on Eph 6:5,6. And whatever ye do.

See PNT Eph 6:7.
Knowing that from the Lord.

See PNT Eph 6:8.
He that doeth wrong. Whether master or slave.

And there is no respect of persons. All will be required, and before Christ, all, master and slave, stand upon the same footing.

Colossians 4:1

Final Exhortation SUMMARY OF COLOSSIANS 4: A Charge to Masters. Prayer and Prudence Commended. Tychicus, the Bearer of the Letter, Introduced. Onesimus Commended. Greetings from Brethren at Rome. The Epistle of the Laodiceans.

Masters, give to [your] servants.

See notes on "Eph 6:9". This verse ought to have been joined to the section of the preceding chapter in which mutual duties are enjoined. It should be remarked that such a charge as this is not found in all the profane writings of antiquity. Even in the pages of the moralists a slave was regarded as a chattel with which the master had a right to deal according to his will. The Christian rule, at once introduced into the church, was for the master to treat his servants as he wished to be treated by his Master in heaven, and to expect the same kind of treatment that he meted out.
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