Ephesians 3:6

That. The mystery long hidden, but at last revealed, is now given.

The Gentiles should be fellow-heirs. The wall of partition broken down, Jews and Gentiles equally received, heirs alike of the gospel, "fellow-members" of the church, "fellow-partakers" of the gospel promises. Compare Ac 10:34 11:18 13:46-48.

1 Timothy 3:16

Without controversy. Undoubtedly.

Great is the mystery of godliness. The mystery that God has revealed to us in the gospel in order to make men godly. The great things revealed in this mystery are next named, certainly wonderful things, well called "great". Six elements enter into this mystery of godliness, elements all of which were fully revealed in the gospel. The mystery is not something incomprehensible, but the hidden wisdom of God revealed in the gospel; a sense similar to that in which mystery is always used in the Scriptures. Compare Mt 13:11 Re 1:20 17:5,7.

God was manifest in the flesh. Was manifested in Jesus Christ.

Justified in the Spirit. When, after his condemnation to death, the power of God raised him from the dead.

Seen of angels. The angels were at the open tomb and told the women of his resurrection.

Preached unto the Gentiles. A wonderful fact in the mind of a Jew like Paul, who had been trained to believe that the Gentiles were accursed.

Received up into glory. At the Ascension.
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