Ephesians 4:1-3

The Unity of the Church SUMMARY OF EPHESIANS 4: The Exhortation to Unity. The Seven Bonds of Unity. The Various Gifts Given to the Church. The Offices for Its Edification. The Church Compacted in Christ. The Gentiles Called from Their Former Lives. A New and Holy Life Commanded.

I, therefore. Practical duties are now urged which grow out of their glorious privileges in Christ.

The prisoner of the Lord.

See PNT Eph 3:1. Compare Phm 1:9. He was a prisoner because he was a servant of the Lord.

Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. They had been called to a glorious calling, as he had shown in chapter 3. The Christian has been called to the highest calling with which man has ever been honored.
With all lowliness and meekness. Walk in humility and gentleness of spirit. These are characteristics of walking worthily. Other are long-suffering, forbearing one another. To take offense easily, and to seek to "pay back" any fancied injuries, are the opposite of these qualities.

In love. If the heart is filled with love, the other qualities will be shown forth. Read 1Co 13:1-13.
Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit. The unity of those who have the same Spirit, not merely an outward unity.

In the bond of peace. An outward unity, which does not secure peace, cannot be the unity of the Spirit. Forbearance and long-suffering are essential to unity and peace.
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