Galatians 5:19-21

Now the works of the flesh . . . are [these]. The tree is known by its fruits. We show our fruits whether we are of the flesh or Spirit. The works of the flesh are first given. Paul names (1) Four sins of sensuality; (2) two spiritual sins of false religion; (3) sins against our fellow men, of which nine are specified; (4) sins of intemperance, of which two are named.

Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness. The sins of sensuality were sanctioned by the heathen religion in the worship of Venus, and sanctioned by the purest heathen moralists. Christianity had to breast the current of the whole world. It differs from heathen morality as day from night.
Witchcraft. Sorcery or magic, whether a superstition or deception, was prevalent in all the ancient world.

See PNT Ac 19:19.
Drunkenness. A common sin of all ages.

Revellings. Any kind of riotous or unseemly conduct; carousals.

As I have also told [you] in time past. As before, when in Galatia (Ac 16:6 18:23).

They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. So now he tells them again that none who do these things can expect to be saved.
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