Mark 9:1

The Transfiguration SUMMARY OF MARK 9: The Coming of the Kingdom. The Transfiguration. Moses and Elias. The Elias That Must Come. The Boy with the Dumb Spirit. The Condition of Receiving Christ's Help. The Disciples Taught of Christ's Sufferings. Who Shall Be Greatest?. The Narrowness of the Disciples Rebuked. A Cup of Cold Water in the Name of Christ. The Offending Hand or Eye.

Till they have been seen the kingdom of God come with power. Compare Mt 16:28 Lu 9:27. Matthew says, "Till they have seen the Son of man coming in his kingdom"; Luke, "Till they have seen the kingdom of God". A comparison shows that the reference is to "the coming of the kingdom in power". Of the twelve, one at a time was dead; the others had not tasted of death.
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