Matthew 14:13-21

When Jesus heard [of it]. When he heard of the fate of John the Baptist and of Herod's conjectures concerning himself. It was a busy time. The twelve had just returned from a highly successful ministry and his own popularity was at its greatest height. The crowds, anxious to see, converse with him, or to be healed, pressed on him so as to give no leisure for reflection, or even to eat (Mr 6:31). It was but natural that he should wish a quiet season on receiving the tidings of the death of one related to him like John.

Into a desert place. Not a sandy, barren spot, but one uninhabited and lonely. They crossed the Sea of Galilee (Joh 6:1), and proceeded in the direction of Bethsaida-Julias, as its northeastern corner (Lu 9:10), just above the entrance of the Jordan into it. To the south of it was the green and narrow plain of El-Batihah, "with abundant grass, and abundant space for the multitude to have sat down".

They followed him on foot out of the cities. The multitudes, seeing the course of the boat that bore the Savior and the twelve from Capernaum, rushed along the shore in order to reach its landing place in advance. The country west of the Sea of Galilee was, at that period, according to Josephus, wonderfully populous. Capernaum alone had 30,000 inhabitants, and there were twelve other cities upon or near its shores.
And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude. When he disembarked from the boat, the multitude was waiting. That it was great is shown by the fact that the men numbered 5,000, apart from the women and children.

Was moved with compassion. He seems, from Joh 6:3, to have retired to the mountain for a short time, but then, filled with compassion, returned to the multitude. This is the only miracle of which there is an account in each of the four gospels. The parallel accounts are in Mr 6:30-44 Lu 9:10-17 Joh 6:1-14.
When it was evening. It was the "first evening" which began at the decline of day about three o'clock in the afternoon. The second evening, according to Jewish customs, began at sunset. The day had already been spent in teaching and healing.

This is a desert place. And hence there would be no hamlets dotting it, in which the multitudes could get provisions for themselves. There are no farm houses in Palestine. The whole population lives in towns or villages, and often the farmers go many miles to their fields.
Give ye them to eat. We learn from the parallel accounts that the disciples did not understand how this could be done, though they cheerfully obeyed. (See Mr 6:37 Lu 9:13 Joh 6:7,9). We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. It was Andrew who spoke (Joh 6:8,9). The loaves here were of barley meal made into small, thin cakes, baked hard on the side of the oven, so as to be broken. He commanded the multitude to sit down. We learn from Mark that they sat down in companies (Mr 6:39).

On the grass. John says, "there was much grass there" (Joh 6:10). It was in the spring season, in Nisan, "the month of flowers", and the slopes were rich with the spring grass.

Looking up to heaven. In prayer we should use such outward gestures as may most fitly serve to express the inward disposition and holy affections of our heart and soul.

He blessed. He either gave thanks or asked the Father's blessing on the food.
Twelve baskets full. Baskets were taken by the Jews on journeying, to carry their provisions, etc., that they might not have to depend on Gentiles, and so incur the risk of ceremonial pollution. Five thousand men. Thus there was one loaf to every thousand men. Christ is the bread if life, satisfying the hunger of the soul for love, forgiveness, immortality, usefulness, progress, knowledge. He gives that bread to his disciples and bids them to distribute it to the multitude. Such is its blessed and divine nature that the more they distribute to hungry, famishing souls, the more they have remaining for themselves.
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