Matthew 4:10

Get thee hence, Satan. As the tempter was revealed Jesus rebukes him. The word, "Get thee hence", "begone", expresses abhorrence. The adversary is called by name and bidden to depart. Then his reason is added, in the words of Scripture, found in De 6:13.

Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. This passage forbids every kind of religious adoration to any other object than Jehovah, whether it be idols, false gods, popes, Virgin Mary, saints, or angels. The three temptations had been met: three times the tempter had been baffled, three times the victory had been won. The first assault had been made through the door of appetite, "the lust of the flesh"; the second through vain glory, "the lust of the eyes"; the third through ambition, "the pride of life" (1Jo 2:16). All had appealed to Jesus to turn away from the pathway of self-denial and suffering marked out for him. All had been met by the shield of faith, and the tempter beaten back by the word of the Spirit.
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