Matthew 5:43

Thou shalt love thy neighbour. See Le 19:18. The Jews gave the command a very limited application. For Christ's application, see parable of the Good Samaritan (Lu 10:30-37). It embraces any one so near us as to need and to receive our acts of kindness.

Hate thine enemy. A Jewish perversion of the meaning of De 23:6. It exhibits the spirit of the whole heathen world. Plato praises the Athenians because they hated the Persians more than any of the other Greeks.

Matthew 22:39

The second [is] like. The first command sums up what man owes to God; the second, what he owes to his fellow-man.

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. See Le 19:18. One who loves God supremely, will not live in disobedience; one who loves his neighbor as himself, will seek the welfare of those around him.
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