Matthew 7:15-20

Beware of false prophets. The word "prophet", as used in the Scriptures, means any one who teaches authoritatively the will of God. A false prophet is one who is a false teacher. Christ refers to the scribes and Pharisees.

Come to you in sheep's clothing. While appearing as harmless as sheep they are wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. This common figure is wonderfully expressive. Not leaves (professions), or appearance, are the proper tests of the life that is in the tree, but the fruit it bears. We are to test men and every institution by this principle.

Grapes of thorns. Two of the most highly valued fruits of Palestine are grapes and figs. Nothing is more common than thorns and thistles. Geike says that it is the land of thorns and thorny plants. Good fruit cannot be expected on such evil stocks.
A good tree cannot bring forth bad fruit. The Lord points to the uniform law of nature. Every tree bears after its kind. The same principle holds good in the moral world. A good man will show forth good deeds, while a bad man will bear fruit according to his nature. Every tree . . . is hewn down, and cast into the fire. The test of good and bad trees, good and bad men, good and bad systems, has been presented. Now the figure is carried further to show their destiny. The Savior states a principle that seems to run through the whole government of God. Whatever is useless and evil shall finally be swept away.
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