Revelation of John 15:2

I saw as it were a sea of glass. In Re 4:6 "the sea of glass, clear as crystal", was seen about the throne of God. It is the emblem of the calmness and purity of God's rule. Here the sea is mingled with fire, a symbol always denoting judgments. This shows that the time for judgments, coming from the throne of God, has come.

And them that had gotten the victory over the beast. These are the redeemed of Re 14:1, who are there seen standing with the Lamb on Mount Zion. They now engage in triumphant songs over the approaching overthrow of their great enemy.

Having the harps of God. Musical instruments wholly dedicated to his praise.

Revelation of John 17:14

These shall make war with the Lamb. They aid the false church in its war on the saints.

And the Lamb shall overcome them. They shall finally turn away from the false church.

Revelation of John 21:7

He that overcometh. Here for the first time, after the close of the seven epistles to the churches, do we have the promise to him who overcomes. See Re 2:7,11,17,26 3:5,12,21.
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