Revelation of John 19:11

And I saw the heaven opened. This implies the opening of a new vision. See Re 4:1 11:19. Where a former vision is continued the formula is "After these things". We now have a series of pictures symbolizing the closing events that inaugurate the Millennium. The first of these is the one before symbolized by the angel that flies through heaven with the everlasting gospel, but now presented in a grand vision of the triumphant march of the Word of God.

Behold a white horse. Always the symbol of conquest and triumph.

See PNT Re 6:2.

And he that sat upon him [was] called Faithful and True. It is the Lord, who comes as the Word of God. His conquests are effected by the word, but the march is really the march of Christ.

Revelation of John 19:19

I saw the beast. See notes on 13:1-10 This beast represents the world power opposed to Christ under its changing forms. The Roman Pagan Empire, and the Roman Papal secular power, are two forms. But it continues even after these forms pass away. The form in which it will manifest itself in this conflict will be better known when the fulfillment takes place. The beast marshals the kings of the earth as his supporters to oppose the Lamb and his armies.
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