Revelation of John 8:7


The first angel sounded. When the trumpet sounded there followed the wonderful scenes described.

And there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth. When the first trumpet is blown John beholds a mighty storm-cloud rush over the earth. From it pour hail and fire mingled with blood. They fall upon the earth and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. And a third part is scorched and blasted. These terms indicate desolation by some kind of judgments. The scene of the desolation is "the earth", or the Roman Empire in John's use of the term. The blood indicates carnage. The scorched and blasted land indicates the devastation of destroying armies. The language implies a terrible destruction descending upon a third of the world known to John.

Revelation of John 9:18

By these three. "By these three plagues" (Revised Version). The fire, smoke and brimstone. These agencies slay the third part of men. We have before found that the Old Roman world was divided into three parts. One third part had been destroyed by the first four trumpet invasions. A second third part was taken by the Saracens. If now the third part was taken and destroyed by these three plagues, the symbolism would be fulfilled.
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