Romans 1:18

For. Now follows a declaration of the world's unrighteousness, of the wrath of God against unrighteousness, and hence the need of the righteousness of God through the gospel received by faith in order to salvation. The "for" introduces an argument which shows that Christ's gospel is the world's only hope.

The wrath of God. His displeasure.

Is revealed. Not only by the declarations of the Holy Scriptures, and his judgments, but by nature's teachings, and by the human conscience.

Ungodliness. Irreligiousness. This is the fountain of unrighteousness.

Hold the truth in unrighteousness. There is a measure of truth revealed to every man. See Ro 1:19. Many refuse to profit by the light they have, and love the darkness rather than the light. All who do not live up to the knowledge they possess, who do worse than they know, hold the truth in unrighteousness. They obstruct the truth, rather than let it have free scope.

Romans 1:32

Who knowing the judgment of God. The ordinance or decree of God condemning such sinners. That ordinances is next stated. It is that those who do such deeds are worthy of death. The heathen moralists admitted this. Yet in spite of this knowledge they not only continued in their vile sins, but took pleasure in them. No deeper degree of depravity can be found than when men call evil good, and cherish it. This dark picture of heathen vices in Ro 1:18-32 is not overdrawn. It is fully confirmed by such heathen writers as Tacitus, Horace, Seneca, and Juvenal. The conclusion, from these facts, is that all such persons are under condemnation.
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