Romans 2:21-22

Thou therefore who teachest another. Having just described the proud claims of the Jews, he next inquires how their practice corresponds.

Teachest thou not thyself? He who teaches others how to live, does he teach himself how to live?

Dost thou steal? Some of the essential principles of the law which the Jews supposed to teach to others. The decalogue forbade stealing (Ex 20:15), but the Jews were already proverbial for their tricky methods of trade.
Commit adultery. In spite of the strictness of their Decalogue and moral code, the lax divorce practices of the Jews permitted adultery (Mt 19:8,9), and the Talmud says that some of the most celebrated rabbis were guilty of the same sin. Also see PNT Joh 4:18.

Dost thou commit sacrilege? This question has caused much discussion. The best rendering is, "Dost thou rob temples"? (Revised Version). Or, Are you a temple robber? Schaff suggests that the meaning is as follows: ``Dost thou abhor idols, according to thy law, and yet engage in traffic whereby thou makest gain off the temples where this idol worship is practiced?'' Macknight says that the reference is to robbing the temple at Jerusalem of what was due it. I think not. The apostles refers to practices which dishonor God among the Gentiles.
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