Romans 2:7

To them. First, the apostle speaks of the reward that shall be given to those that live holy lives.

By patient continuance. No one can please God who only lives a holy life at times. The Christian life is not spasmodic. There must be constant effort, patient perseverance, a constant seeking. Jesus, in the parable of the sower, says the good ground represents those "who have the Word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience" (Lu 8:15).

Seek. Future salvation is thus described as an object of pursuit. It is "glory", because of a glorious life; "honor", because it is a reward.

Immortality. "Incorruption" (ASV); it is not subject to decay.

Eternal life. This sums up what God bestows on those who seek glory, etc., by "a patient continuance in well doing".
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