Romans 6:4-5

We are buried with him by baptism into death. The argument is that a burial implies death. Baptism is a burial, therefore its subject has died. As Christ died through sin, we die to sin; as the Crucified Christ was buried, we who have died to sin through the gospel are buried with him. As death and burial separate from the natural life, so death to sin and burial into Christ should completely sever our relation to sin.

That like as Christ was raised up from the dead. The glorious power of the Father lifted up Christ from the tomb. So we, too, rise from the watery burial, with death and burial between us and the old life of sin, in order to "walk in newness of life". Conybeare and Howson write: ``This passage cannot be understood unless it is borne in mind that the primitive baptism was by immersion.'' Dr. Philip Schaff says: ``That the custom of baptism by immersion is alluded to is generally admitted, but the emersion is as significant as the immersion.'' Godet states: ``It seems to us very probable that the apostle alludes to the external form of the baptismal rite in the primitive church.'' And John Wesley says: ``The apostle alludes to the ancient manner of baptizing by immersion.''
For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death. As the seed, planted, buried out of sight, rises again in a new life, so we are planted in the likeness of Christ's death when we are buried in baptism, and rise [in the likeness] of [his] resurrection, when we are lifted out of the water, and are found henceforth to have a new life. Compare Col 2:12: "Buried by baptism, wherein ye are also 'risen' with him".
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