Romans 8:1-2

The Privileges of the Children of God SUMMARY OF ROMANS 8: No Condemnation to Those in Christ. Walking After the Spirit. To Be Carnally Minded, Death. To Be Spiritually Minded, Life and Peace. The Spirit of Adoption. Heirs of God. The Sufferings of Saints. The Groanings of the Creation. All Things Working for Good to Saints. The Purpose and Foreordination of God. God's Protection of His Children. [There is] therefore. The "therefore" points to the argument of chapter 7, which shows that in Christ we are delivered from sin and from the curse of the law.

No condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus. As those in Christ have died with him, Ro 6:1-4, they have in him satisfied the law, and hence they cannot be under condemnation. He, the sinless One, "was made sin for us"; so we, forgiven through him, are "made the righteousness of God in him" (2Co 5:21). This blessed condition depends on a vital union with Christ. "Baptized into Christ" (Ro 6:3), we must walk in him, "not after the flesh, but after the Spirit". Compare Joh 15:1-7 Eph 1:23.

Who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

See PNT Ro 8:4.
For the law of the Spirit of life. The Spirit of life must be the Holy Spirit. The whole phrase is equivalent to the Gospel, which has been given to men by the agency of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit has quickened us into a new life, and as we have died to the law and to sin, we are freed from them. Wesley says that the meaning is the "Gospel has freed us from the Mosaic law". That the law of the Spirit of life describes the Gospel is shown by Ro 8:3, which explains this verse.
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