Daniel 7:23-27

and they shall

The end of Gentile world-power.

  • (1) In the beast vision of Daniel 7. the fourth beast is declared to be "the fourth kingdom," i.e. the Roman empire, the "iron" kingdom of Dan. 2. The "ten horns" upon the fourth beast (Roman empire), Daniel 7:7 are declared to be "ten kings that shall arise" (Daniel 7:24) answering to the ten toes of the image vision of Dan. 2. The ten kingdoms, covering the regions formerly ruled by Rome, will constitute, therefore, the form in which the fourth or Roman empire will exist when the whole fabric of Gentile world-domination is smitten by the "stone cut out without hands" == Christ ; Daniel 2:44,45; 7:9.
  • (2) But Daniel sees a "little horn" rise up and subdue three of the ten kings Daniel 7:24-26. His distinguishing mark is hatred of God and of the Saints. He is not to be confounded with the "little horn" of Dan. 8.--a prophecy fulfilled in Antiochus Epiphanes. (See Scofield "Daniel 8:9"). In Rev. 13, additional particulars of the "little horn" of Dan. 7. are given. See Scofield "Revelation 13:1".

everlasting kingdom See, 2 Samuel 7:16; Psalms 89:35-37; Daniel 4:3; 7:13,14; Luke 1:31-33.

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