Ephesians 4:7-16


In 1 Corinthians 12:8-28 the Spirit is seen as enduing the members of the body of Christ with spiritual gifts, or enablements for a varied service; here certain Spirit-endued men, viz. apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, are themselves the gifts whom the glorified Christ bestows upon His body the church. In Corinthians the gifts are spiritual enablements for specific service; in Ephesians the gifts are men who have such enablements.


The Lord, in bestowing the gifted men, determines, providentially (e.g.) Acts 11:22-26 or directly through the Spirit (e.g.) ; Acts 13:1,2; 16:6,7 the places of their service. "Some" (churches or places) need one gift, as, (e.g.) evangelist; "some" (churches or places) need rather a pastor or teacher. Absolutely nothing in Christ's service is left to mere human judgment or self-choosing. Even an apostle was not permitted to choose his place of service Acts 16:7,8.

(See Scofield "Matthew 5:48").
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