Galatians 3:22-24


I. The law of Moses, Summary:

  • (1) The Mosaic Covenant was given to Israel in three parts: the commandments, expressing the righteous will of God Exodus 20:1-26, the "judgments," governing the social life of Israel Exodus 21:1-24:11, and the "ordinances," governing the religious life of Israel ; Exodus 24:12; 31:18.
  • (2) The commandments and ordinances were one complete and inseparable whole. When an Israelite sinned, he was held "blameless" if he brought the required offering Luke 1:6; Philippians 3:6.
  • (3) Law, as a method of the divine dealing with man, characterized the dispensation extending from the giving of the law to the death of Jesus Christ Galatians 3:13,14,23,24.
  • (4) The attempt of legalistic teachers (e.g.) Acts 15:1-31; Galatians 2:1-5, to mingle law with grace as the divine method for this present dispensation of grace, brought out the true relation of the law to the Christian, viz.

II. The Christian doctrine of the law:

For Another Point of View: See Topic 301242

Other Factors to Consider: See Topic 301187

to bring us Omit "to bring us."

unto up to, or until.
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