Joel 2:9-32

his army

To verse 10 inclusive the invading army is described; at verse 11 Jehovah's army. This "army" is described, Revelation 19:11-18. The call to repentance is based upon the Lord's promise of deliverance, Joel 2:12-17. At verses Joel 2:18-20 we have the deliverance (Joel 2:20); see "Armageddon," (See Scofield "Revelation 16:14") , and kingdom blessing in verses Joel 2:21-27. Verses 28-32 give the outpouring of the Spirit, and verses 29-32 the cosmical signs preceding the day of the Lord. See Scofield "Revelation 19:11".

(See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14").

Cf. Acts 2:17 which gives a specific interpretation of "afterward" (Heb. acherith= "latter," "last"). "Afterward" in Joel Joel 2:28 means "in the last days" ( (Greek - ἔσχατος ), and has a partial and continuous fulfilment during the "last days" which began with the first advent of Christ Hebrews 1:2 but the greater fulfilment awaits the "last days" as applied to Israel. (See Scofield "Acts 2:17") , for phrase, "the last days." See Scofield "Acts 2:17".

(See Scofield "Jeremiah 15:21").

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