Jude 1

Book Introduction - Jude

Read first chapter of Jude

WRITER: Jude, the brother of James (Jude 1:1)

DATE: Probably A.D. 66

THEME: It is not so much Jude who speaks, as the constraining Spirit (Jude 1:3) and the theme is, "Contending for the faith" (Luke 18:8), (See Scofield "Luke 18:8"). In this brief letter the apostasy (See Scofield "2 Thessalonians 2:3") of the professing church is predicted, and the cause and course described. As in Second Timothy and Second Peter the apostasy is treated as having already set in.

The Epistle is in five divisions:

  • Introduction vs. 1,2
  • Occasion of the Epistle, vs. 3,4
  • Apostasy is possible, vs. 5-7
  • Apostate teachers described, vs. 8-19
  • The saints assured and comforted, vs. 20-25


Assurance is the believer's full conviction that, through the work of Christ alone, received by faith, he is in possession of a salvation in which he will be eternally kept. And this assurance rests only upon the Scripture promises to him who believes.
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