Leviticus 23:26-32


The day of Atonement, Leviticus 23:26-32. The day is the same described in Lev. 16., but here the stress is laid upon the sorrow and repentance of Israel. In other words, the prophetical feature is made prominent, and that looks forward to the repentance of Israel after her regathering under the Palestinian Covenant, Deuteronomy 30:1-10 preparatory to the second advent of Messiah and the establishment of the kingdom. See the connection between the "trumpet" in Joel 2:1 and the mourning which follows in verses Joel 2:11-15.

Also Zechariah 12:10-13 in connection with the atonement of Zechariah 13:1. Historically the "fountain" of Zechariah 13:1 was opened at the crucifixion, but rejected by the Jews of that and the succeeding centuries. After the regathering of Israel the fountain will be efficaciously "opened" to Israel.


(See Scofield "Exodus 29:33").
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