Luke 1:3

Book Introduction - Luke

Read first chapter of Luke

WRITER: The writer of the third Gospel is called by Paul "the beloved physician" Colossians 4:14 and, as we learn from the Acts, was Paul's frequent companion. He was of Jewish ancestry, but his correct Greek marks him as a Jew of the dispersion. Tradition says that he was a Jew of Antioch, as Paul was of Tarsus.

DATE: The date of Luke falls between A.D. 63 and 68.

THEME: Luke is the Gospel of the human-divine One, as John is of the divine-human One. The key-phrase is "Son of man," and the key-verse Luke 19:10. "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." In harmony with this intent, Luke relates those things concerning Jesus which demonstrate how entirely human He was. His genealogy is traced to Adam, and the most detailed account is given of His mother, and of His infancy and boyhood. The parables peculiar to Luke have distinctively the human and the seeking note. But Luke is careful to guard the Deity and Kingship of Jesus Christ Luke 1:32-35. Luke, then, is the Gospel of "the man whose name is The BRANCH" Zechariah 6:12.

Luke has seven chief divisions:

  • The Evangelist's Introduction, 1:1-4.
  • The human relationships of Jesus, 1:5-2:52.
  • The baptism, ancestry, and testing of Jesus, 3:1-4:13.
  • The ministry of the Son of man as Prophet-King in Galilee, 4:14-9:50.
  • The final offer of the Son of man as King to israel, His rejection and sacrifice, 19:45-23:56.
  • The resurrection, resurrection ministry, and ascension of the Son of man, 24:1-53.

The events recorded in this book cover a period of 39 years. from

"From the very first": (Greek - ἄνωθεν," "from above)." So translated in John 3:31; 19:11; James 1:17; 3:15,17. In no other place is ANOTHEN translated "from the very first." The use by Luke of anothen is an affirmation that his knowledge of these things, derived from those who had been eye-witnesses from the beginning Luke 1:2 was confirmed by revelation. In like manner Paul had doubtless heard from the eleven the story of the institution of the Lord's Supper, but he also had it by revelation from the Lord (cf) 1 Corinthians 11:23 and his writing, like Luke's anothen knowledge, thus became first-hand, not traditional, merely.

understanding (Greek - ἄνωθεν," lit). followed alongside of; or, closely traced.

in order The words "in order" are emphatic, indicating Luke's purpose to reduce to order the Gospel story.
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