Numbers 22:22-35


(Cf) (See Scofield "Genesis 46:3"). In Numbers 22:12 the directive will of Jehovah is made known to Balaam, in Numbers 22:20 Jehovah's permissive will. The prophet is now free to go, but knows the true mind of the Lord about it. The matter is wholly one between Jehovah and His servant. The permission of Numbers 22:20 really constitutes a testing of Balaam. He chose the path of self-will and self- advantage, and Jehovah could not but gravely disapprove. The whole scene, Numbers 22:22-35 prepared Balaam for what was to follow.


(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4")

(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4")
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