Exodus 19:1-4

In the third month

At Sinai Israel learned the lessons:

  • (1) of the holiness of Jehovah through the Commandments;
  • (2) of their own sinfulness and weakness through failure;
  • (3) and of the goodness of Jehovah through the provision of priesthood and sacrifice. The Christian learns through the experience of Romans 7:7-24 what Israel learned at Sinai. This division of Exodus should be read in light of ; Romans 3:19-27; 7:7-24; Galatians 4:1-3; Galatians 3:6-25 explains the relation of the law to the Abrahamic Covenant:
  • (1) the law cannot disannul that covenant;
  • (2) it was "added" to convict of sin;
  • (3) it was a child-leader unto Christ;
  • (4) it was but preparatory discipline "till the Seed should come."

third month i.e. June.
Thus shalt thou say

It is exceedingly important to observe:

  • (1) that Jehovah reminded the people that hitherto they had been the objects of His free grace;
  • (2) that the law is not proposed as a means of life, but as a means by which Israel might become "a peculiar treasure" and a "kingdom of priests";
  • (3) that the law was not imposed until it had been proposed and voluntarily accepted. The principle is stated in Galatians 5:1-4.

For Another Point of View: See Topic 301181

Additional Factors to Consider See Topic 301321

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