Ezekiel 2:1-3

Son of man

"Son of man," used by our Lord of Himself seventy-nine times, is used by Jehovah ninety one times when addressing Ezekiel.

  • (1) In the case of our Lord the meaning is clear: it is His racial name as the representative Man in the sense of 1 Corinthians 15:45-47. The same thought, implying transcendence of mere Judaism, is involved in the phrase when applied to Ezekiel. Israel had forgotten her mission. (See Scofield "Genesis 11:10") Ezekiel 5:5-8. Now, in her captivity, Jehovah will not forsake His people, but He will remind them that they are but a small part of the race for whom He also cares. Hence the emphasis upon the word "man." The Cherubim "had the likeness of a man" Ezekiel 1:5 and when the prophet beheld the throne of God, he saw "the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it" Ezekiel 1:26. See Scofield "Matthew 8:20" Revelation 1:12,13.
  • (2) As used of Ezekiel, the expression indicates, not what the prophet is in himself, but what he is to God; a son of man
  • (a) chosen,
  • (b) endued with the Spirit, and
  • (c) sent of God.

All this is true also of Christ who was, furthermore, the representative man--the head of regenerate humanity.

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