Galatians 2:11-15

Jews' religion

The new dispensation of grace having come in, the Mosaic system, if still persisted in, becomes a mere "Jews' religion."

In verses 13 and 14 the Greek word for "the Jews' religion" is Ioudaismos (Judaism). In Acts 26:5; James 1:26,27 threskeia--religious service--is translated "religion," and in Colossians 2:18, "worshipping." Excepting James 1:27, "religion" has always a bad sense, and nowhere is it synonymous with salvation or spirituality.
We who are

Paul here quotes from his words to Peter when he withstood him at Antioch to show the Galatians that, whatever the legalists may have pretended, Peter and he were in perfect accord doctrinally. Paul appealed to the common belief of Peter and himself as a rebuke of Peter's inconsistent practice.

sinners Sin. (See Scofield "RomansĀ 3:23").
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