Hebrews 8:6-13

The New Covenant, Summary:

The New Covenant is the eighth, thus speaking of resurrection and of eternal completeness.


I. The Eight Covenants, Summary:

  • (1) The Edenic Covenant (See Scofield "Genesis 1:26") conditioned the life of man in innocency.
  • (2) The Adamic Covenant (See Scofield "Genesis 3:14") conditions the life of fallen man and gives promise of a Redeemer.
  • (3) The Noahic Covenant (See Scofield "Genesis 9:1"). establishes the principle of human government.
  • (4) The Abrahamic Covenant (See Scofield "Genesis 15:18") founds the nation of Israel, and confirms, with specific additions, the Adamic promise of redemption.
  • (5) The Mosaic Covenant (See Scofield "Exodus 19:25"). condemns all men, "for that all have sinned."
  • (6) The Palestinian Covenant (See Scofield "Deuteronomy 30:3") secures the final restoration and conversion of Israel.
  • (7) The Davidic Covenant (See Scofield "2 Samuel 7:16") establishes the perpetuity of the Davidic family (fulfilled in Christ), Matthew 1:1; Luke 1:31-33,; Romans 1:3 and of the Davidic kingdom, over Israel, and over the whole earth; to be fulfilled in and by Christ ; 2 Samuel 7:8-17; Zechariah 12:8; Luke 1:31-33; Acts 15:14-17; 1 Corinthians 15:24.
  • (8) The New covenant rests upon the sacrifice of Christ, and secures the eternal blessedness, under the Abrahamic Covenant Galatians 3:13-29 of all who believe. It is absolutely unconditional, and, since no responsibility is by it committed to man, it is final and irreversible.

II. The relation of Christ to the eight covenants is as follows:


Jehovah. Jeremiah 31:33.

Jehovah. Jeremiah 31:34.
merciful (Greek - ἵλεως). (See Scofield "Romans 3:25").

unrighteousness, sins

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

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